Friday 26 September 2014

How to make my country better place to live.

    The world as we live in today may not be the same as before. Many negativity has effected our world today whether its about the pollution of environment or corruption of the social value of people. However, as a youth it is my duty to change all that and make the world a better place to live. There are still ways for youth to take action. 

  As we all know the world is being threatened by pollution. In face many part of the has suffer in result of pollution cause by human themselve. As first step in avoiding pollution we should stop throwing rubbish as we wanted. We must throw them at a proper place so it will be east to dispose. At the Urban area there's place called the incinerator where the thrash collected will be incinerated so it will leave no harmfull virus or bacteria on the air or the soil. 

  Beside that, bribe which is the biggest problem in cast crime and it also can effect the public. For example, unresponsible people who work at Kastam let unregistered item and many things without checking after being paid by outsider or human unresponsibilty.

   The popular case nowadays is about pollutions. As you know they are many kind of pollution such as air pollution, water pollution and sound pollution. This pollution can harm human ad animal in such various ways. Dont underestimate this case because it can kill all living things on planet earth.

My dream.

   A dream does not only a series of imagination that appears in your sleep but it is also defined as something that you has been desire or in other words, it is called ambitions. As a kid, you might be dreaming of how your future would be. It could be a dream of what would you want to achieve when you're an adult and this applined to me as well. 
   As for me, I am on my journey to purse my dream. I would love to have a permanent job either in government to private sector. A job that could guide me to become a sucessful person therefore I'm trying my best to exceed in studies. 

  At the same time, I want to make both of my parents proud of me. I want to return their deeds by making them happy and bring them to Mecca to perform haji. The only way I could do this is by having a great job in future.

   Hence, I want to have a well know company and know through the universe. However, I also want to have many staff are working for my company. Beside that, to develop in my company. I have to complete and make something different strategy such as increase technology that can attract other country to investment in my company. 

  Lastly, I'm grateful and thankful to all my friends that supported me from begining untill the end and hope my dream come true. 

I want live in ____. Why?

    Since I was a little kid, I have always wanted to live in Indonesia. It is because my dad is an Indonesian. Having a dad who is purely Indonesian is a very cool. He  got married with my mother once he came to Malaysia. It’s not just because of that, Indonesia also known as one of the most interesting place to visit. For example interesting to visit is Kota Tua, Sunda Kelapa  Harbor, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Syahbahndar tower and many more. 
    One of the reason that I give to people why I want to live in Indonesia is that even though I am Malaysian, Indonesia feels like a home to me and I feel one with the local people. I think it’s because of my dad is purely Indonesian. I also do love Indonesian foods. Indonesia is a Muslim-majority country which is perfectly suitable for my family as a Muslim family to stay there. People in Indonesia are very friendly. They do not give much importance to race or   religion. They get along well with Indians, Chinese, Africans, Europeans and Americans.
    Living in Indonesia is one of my dreams. I wanted to live as an Indonesian so that I could pursue my dad’s Indonesian culture. Wish that I could fulfil my dreams living in Indonesia             

Sunday 7 September 2014

I've seen a ghost


    Last week , during in summer . Me and friend going to pulau Tioman . We going to pulau Tioman for enjoy our semester break .  Because we know that place beautifull to relax and chill. It have a beautiful scenery and peaceful place. The day after today, we were heading to Pulau Tioman with the other friend. We prepare a safety aid if anythings happen.  On our way to Pulau Tioman, Amin told Arman that he felt something stranger about this this trip.
    We arrived safetly at Pulau Tioman, we go to counter to check in room Hotel. We took our own keys before separate to the room. Since we were heading to the same level, we took the same elevator. When we were on our way to the room, all of us felt something was following from the back. We turn our back and saw nothing. Our hearts were beating so fast at that time.
    After that, we entered the room and we arranged our clothes and showered. Due to our long journey, we got tired and took a nap for a while. After 2 hours sleeping, we wide awake and felt hungry. We got ready to go to the cafe. After ate, arman asked us to wait for him at the lobby. He wants to go to the bathroom. During at toilet, he heard something weird in the toilet.
     With his braveness, he tried to check what happen. As soon as he open the next door toilet, he saw a black big shadow without a head. He got shocked and faint because of that shadow. After long waiting, we make a decision to go back to our room. But, on our way to the room, amin asked to accompany him to the toilet for a while. I followed him to toilet and when we came in, we saw arman was faint. I asked help. When we want to bring arman out, suddenly the black big shadow walks infront of us. I saw a ghost with my own eyes. I was so shock and speechless. Amin calls my name and asked why. I just replied nothing because i thought it just my imagination. That night, my friends and i waited for arman to wake up and back to sense. An hours later, Arman wake up and he seem frighten. We asked why and he told us about what he saw in the toilet. Now i know what i saw was not an imagination. The next day, we check out from hotel and back to Kuantan because we don't want that thing happen again to me and friends

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Someone change my life.

    We all have that one person who changed our life. As for myself, Hakim was the one who changed my life since the first time I met him. Hakim is a hardworking man. He’s not a good looking man or rich but he’s a kind-hearted man with big heart who always made my heart pounding.
    We met at my favourite band’s concert. He was there with his friend which is a friend of mine too. Obviously he likes the same kind of music genre as I am. Our friend introduced us at each other and believe me, it was extremely awkward. He started to talk to me and we exchanged our phone number. After the concert, we started to texting and we were on the phoned for hours every single night before both of us off to bed.
    Things get serious between us after he asked me about jumping into the next level which is having a serious relationship with me. I was touched because I never thought he’d think that way. So we were together as a boyfriend/girlfriend for 2 years. For 2 years, he’s being such a good boyfriend to me. I never had someone that really care for me, love me for who I am and he never complained about my imperfections. We accept each other flaws.
    Compared to him, I’m not every man’s cup of tea. I was a bad girl before I met him. I wasn’t the kind of girl that dress cutely, act politely, talk softly nor walk properly. I was that kind of girl who wore oversized t-shirt, act like a boy and I don’t even walked like how a girl supposed to walk. But Hakim literally changed me. He made me want to be a girl. He made me feel so loved. He made me love myself and it surprised me when he can accept all my flaws including my past. Unconditional love is what I embraced from him and the ultimate respect for myself is what developed in me.
    Before I met him, I would have said love does not exist, not because I never experienced it, but because I did not believe in love. An emotion that cannot be seen but only felt to a certain point. How could that be, is the question I would always ask myself. He came into my life without a warning, he was my knight in shining armour. Having him in my life is total life changing and I’m glad he did.